Monday, June 18, 2007

Police, Military beat up Tongan riot suspects

Police Military beat up Tongan riot suspects

A large number of Tongans arrested after, last years riots in the capital Nukualofa were beaten up by secutity forces. Firstly there were five securities found guilty and taken to jail according "Humans Rights". They have no right at all to beat any riots. All of these persons suffered head and facial injuries. Close to 20 percent of prisoners claimed that they were handcuffed while inside prison for some periods of time. Secondly this is the first time that this propblem happen in Tonga. Even though people were flicking out but lucky community are getting together support and helps each other so everthing is fine now. In conclusion Tonga should have strong democracy to help the people and take their saing to the Parliament, so the youth will have a happy and healthy environment in the future.

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