Sunday, August 19, 2007

Portfolio Assessments Topic 2

Really exciting
This essay is about my son's sixteenth birthday.He flew from Tonga on the morning of his birthday. He didn't want a big birthday but we suprised him.My son has been attending a bording school in Tonga for two years now.He came for on the June 28 for just three days to celebrate his birthday with the family.
Being a mother is one of the most exiting time to watch you own child growing since he was a baby.When my son left to Tonga, I couldn't stop my tears racing down my cheeks,thinking of what is gonna happened to him when he is away from me.This was the first time for him being away since he was a baby and it was so hard for me. When he first left to Tonga he was size 20 but he came on his birthday we were all surprised to see him.He lost so much weight and he went down to size 12. He looks healthier and fit which makes me and the rest of the family happy.
The celebration was held in Avondale. Our family gathered up at the hall excited to see him.He had grown up so much.The celebration was on five hours, and nobody wanted to go home.
We prepared the food for 200 hundred people, we had a lot of traditional items, performed by friends and family to keep the audience entertained. The birthday received $3000.00 from the all the present and items.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Pricida Task One

My name is Pricida and I am Tongan. English is my second language and sometimes I didn’t pay attention to the tenses and work all over the place. I made a lot of error in grammar which is the weak part of my learning. In Tonga the way we pronounce our own words is very hard compare to any other nationality and the meaning is different when we translate it to English

I find it hard to understand English when it comes to use linking words, grammar and also tenses. Because English is my second language I have tried my best to understand it and also learn how to pronounce it properly. I am more likely to use the slang before than proper English which is very important for me to start using proper English to improve that area. Any way no matter what I try my best to prove to my-self that I can do it.

Last Semester I done level two in English and I learn a lot from there which is not at the level that I really want it to be but I am happy that I am doing further study so I can learn more.

Focus on Accuracy

Monday, June 18, 2007

Accident happen in New Zealand

Samoan Lady die from Asthma Attack "Power Cut"
There was a lady who died from an asthma attack because her "Power was cut off". Firstly the family should have rung the "Electric Power" and advised them not to cut their power because they had a seriously sick person at home if the power is cut she would die. Secondly the Power man should have understand the situation because he had been already told by the family that they had a sick person ahd she really needed the electricity for her oxygen. Anyway both parties didn't communicate well so this lady died and there is nothing that they can do to bring back her life. Therefore we should learn from this mistake and by listening, sort out anything that we can do to help. A good result will make both parties satisfied.

Police, Military beat up Tongan riot suspects

Police Military beat up Tongan riot suspects

A large number of Tongans arrested after, last years riots in the capital Nukualofa were beaten up by secutity forces. Firstly there were five securities found guilty and taken to jail according "Humans Rights". They have no right at all to beat any riots. All of these persons suffered head and facial injuries. Close to 20 percent of prisoners claimed that they were handcuffed while inside prison for some periods of time. Secondly this is the first time that this propblem happen in Tonga. Even though people were flicking out but lucky community are getting together support and helps each other so everthing is fine now. In conclusion Tonga should have strong democracy to help the people and take their saing to the Parliament, so the youth will have a happy and healthy environment in the future.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Blog Entry 6 Picture comparison 2

The Comparison of the two Pictures

There are two ways of learning in this pictures.The first picture shows that they do drawing in the class and the second picture shows that they are sitting on the chair and more like (subject) that they are discussing about. In this pictures it shows( picture one) that are having fun, they share ideas and they work in groups. It seem they having more fun than picture two. Picture two is kind of boring. I prefer picture number one. I think that I prefer the same learning style as Children ( picture 1 ) because they wanted to have ideas first especially work together that we can see in the pictures.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Differences in manners between my country and NewZealand

Differences in manners between my country and New Zealand
I am Tongan and I would like to talk about three differences in manners between my country and New Zealand. The first one is swearing in front of your parents, sisters and brothers.
We are very strict with that behaviour. It is not allowed at all, but in New Zealand some people allowed. In Tonga wearing mini clothes is a bad taste because you offend other people around you. In my country they think that is why rape is increasing nowadays because ladies show their bodies to men. They think it is something that leads ladies to danger when they wear that kind of clothes.
Finally it is very bad to answer back to your parents or screaming at the elderly is totally disrespectful in Tonga. When I grew up we were taught that this is one of the worse manner will not exceptable. Firstly we learn from home because parents are the first teachers of manners. If they teach manners at home it will going to help the teachers a lot at school. I have seen a lot of kids here in New Zealand who answer back to their parents in a very bad way which is against my belief.