Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Effects Of Globalization

The effects of globalization in Tonga

In Tonga there is some effect in golbalization now-adays.The effect of globalization is diet and health. Tonga has been increase dependence on imported foods, rather than traditional foods. In the old days they eat seafood, taro leave, lettuce and cabbage but in 1960s Pacific Nations have opened to the movement of people, idears and goods generally golbalization.People choose to consume less-healthy food because of the cost. They imported high fat- content meats, especially corned beef, mutton flaps and chicken parts dense simple carbonhydrates such as refined sugar, flour are among the main causes of the rising rates. Who has also identified in frastructure problem in health promotion, desease prevention.
The government is not strong enough to ban the importation of fatty foods. A lot of Chinesse imported their food and people find it in a very low price compare to the traditional food.Tonga diet realated diabetes, high blood pressure and heart desease are among the primary health concern.The negative consequences of dietary change with economic development, where they shift from low -fat to high quality wild meats.Other policy available would promote the development of fishing and farming industries that could make the preferred and healthier traditional foods at reduced cost. In New Zealand there is no effect of life for me because I buy Tonga food here and if I go to Tonga I can get New Zealand food too.

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