Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week 9 (Oral Skill)8/5/07

My One Day Trip
I really enjoyed my one day trip in Tonga to a popular beach called Samaletani. It was the first time for me and my kids to go there except my husband because he is from the main Island of Tonga called Tongatapu and their school and church picnic always held there.
I am from the second Island of Tonga known as Vava'u so I have to catch another plane to get there.We went with my relatives and also my husbands family to the picnic. We were all looking forward to go there (Samaletani Beach), it was a very fine day and the kids enjoyed all day, swimming, playing on the sand which was very clear and white that makes them surprised.
The sea was smooth and also clear too. I met a couple from America that they have been in Tonga for three months and they love to go swimming and walking at the beach everyday.
There was something happened that day at beach. I was watching my kids swimming with some other kids and all a sudden my daughter called out for help, when I looked at her she was fine but then she said to me mum that little boy he can't swim he is drowing. I called my husband to go help the little boy.My husband brought him to the beach and he did the CPR .We were all happy to see him still alive before the amblance arrived.
Ansyway we had Roasting Pig, Yam, Taro,Raw Fish for lunch.

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