Monday, May 7, 2007

week 8 (Oral skill) Listening New Headline

There were six front page stories on the radio - two on New Zealand Herald, two from the Dominion Post, one from the Press, and one from the Otago Daily Times. In the “Monday National Radio’s News Headlines”six stories were mentioned on National Radio’s News Headlines. I am interested in the first headline in New Zealand Herald, and its transcription is “The new drug trial offering hope to women with the history of miscarriages”.

I identified pronunciation features as follow:
1) Consonant to vowel linking: with/ð//ð/ the/∂/
2) Extra linking sounds: /r/eg.thehistory/ri/ /∂/of miscarriages
3) Weak forms of prepositions, articles, modal verbs, auxiliary verbs:The/∂/ new drug trial offering hope to/∂/ women with the/∂/ history /∂/of miscarriages.

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