Tuesday, May 29, 2007

About Me(Pricida)

Hello everyone,

I am a Mother of four kids. I am Tongan, if you don't know Tonga we are known by the name "Friendly Island". Anyway my olders son is sixteen and he is in Tonga now, bording school at Tupou College named after the Tongan King. My second son and my two daughters are here with me but they will go school in Tonga when they turn fourteen. My husband and I planned to send the kids home so they can experience the life there and also our own culture. I have been here in New Zealand for a very long time. I came here when I was sixteen years old. My first day in New Zealand was the most unforgetable day of my life, not only that I don't understand English but also the places, people, church and everything were new and strange too. My first day at school. I knew nothing, they talked very fast and I didn't know what they were talking about.I almost gave up. After school I went home straighted to my bed room and cried. I have never stop my tears racing down my cheek thinking about my family, friends and everyone that I was close to back home. Every night I prayed to god to help me, give me strength and knowldge to be able to understand what I am doing. After three months at school, things seem to be getting better. I started to make friends and I knew for sure that was the only thing to improve my English is to mix with the students. I am talking from my experience of being away from your parents for the first time of your life, and also to a place that I have never been in my life and I feel like a stranger.

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