Tuesday, May 8, 2007

week (7) "Differences in manners between my country and New Zealand

Differences in manners between my country and New Zealand
I am Tongan and I would like to talk about three differences in manners between my country and New Zealand.
The first One is swearing in front of your parents and also sisters and brothers.
We are very strict with that behaviour. It is not allowed at all,but in New Zealand some people allowed that kind of behaviour.
In Tonga wearing mini clothes is in a very bad taste and bad manners because you offend other people around you. In my country they think that is why(rape) is increasing now a days because ladies show their bodies to men. They think it is something leads ladies to danger when they wear that kind of clothes.
Finally bad manners, like answering back to your parents or screaming at the elderly are totally disrespectful in Tonga.
When I grew up we were taught that this is one of the worse manners that we shouldn't do. Firstly we learnt from home because parents are the first teachers of manners.
If they teach manners at home and it is going to help the teachers a lot at school. I have seen a lot of kids here in New Zealand who answer back to their parents in a very bad way which is against my belief.

1 comment:

kyle chan said...

Can a man kisses a woman on the lips in Tonga?